sacred support for

Your Ceo Goddess

SOLVING the perpetual “How do I find customers” challenge. Permanently.


The Entrepreneurial Mastermind Community + Endorsement Network

Offering Support + Strategy + Stability for Your Growing Healing Business

Step into Clarity. Confidence. Control.

  • Discover your clear roadmap of how to find customers consistently.

  • Experience confidence knowing exactly what to say and how to say it.

  • Feel secure in how to convert your audience from looker to buyer.

This is the level of support you’ve been waiting for.

➡️If you are a Woman entrepreneur who is…

  • just getting started in business

  • looking to make the transition from corporate to full-time entrepreneur

  • crossed the 6-figure mark and looking to expand

➡️Ready to create stable full-time income from your healing business & build a legacy complete with time & financial freedom

➡️Looking to answer the incessant “How do I find customers” question PERMANENTLY & eliminate the nagging “Can I even do this?” doubt FOR GOOD.


the UltimaTe Answer For the “Solopreneur”

We solve

“Finding Customers”

in 3 simple ways

inside your network

outside your network

bringING Customers to you

Imagine if you gained a team of people to help you market your offers and programs?

Imagine if you could brainstorm business ideas with talented, skilled women like you?

Imagine if you could ask marketing professionals to look over your content?

Imagine if you had year-round unlimited access to a panel of experts?

This is the level of STRATEGY. SUPPORT. STABILITY.


3 core elements

How the Temple helps you Rise


Get Personalized Support

  • Daily Connection: Share your challenges, wins, and updates with the community and see what others are working on

  • Expert Eyes on your business: post your ideas, questions, obstacles and get feedback from our Expert Guild 

  • Year round coaching and guidance for your ever evolving business. 

  • Gain insights into industry dos/don'ts

  • Bring your business-specific scenarios to the attention of the community and get immediate input and ideas on how to move forward.

  • Access to entire Temple member list giving you ability to network on your own time.

Live Training Calls: 

Empowered Education

  • Weekly calls on zoom and streamed into Facebook group

  • Skill-building trainings to bridge the gap between learning and applying

  • Show up, get coached, ask questions, and receive feedback to help you make better well-informed decisions for your business

  • Q&A With Experts on 4 key elements of business

The Temple's Library:

Strengthen Your Business Acumen

  • Access to On-Demand Skill-Building Courses

  • 7+ hours of content, broken down into 46 videos

  • Simplified Learning Modules to support daily action

  • Vetted techniques designed to help you streamline focus

  • 8 Downloadable eBooks, guides, workbooks and templates on file

  • Develop your skills in marketing, networking, sales, work-flow management, energetics of marketing and sales, creating consistency, setting boundaries, and so much more.

Mastermind Pods: 

Upleveled Think-Tank

  • Upgrade your thinking, frequency and strategy by talking through ideas and insights with women in various fields

  • 20min all eyes on your business - present a question, project, challenge and receive real-time feedback

  • Emotional support and connection to stay focused while dealing with "life".

  • Pods are scheduled every other week and vary in time to accommodate schedules.

Visibility Opportunities (add-on):

Get more EYES on your business

  • Monthly networking events (free to public, your biz spotlighted for free!)

  • Member Promotion Campaigns (across multiple platforms to increase visibility)

  • Endorsement Team - actively recommends members to others looking for trusted & vetted businesses

  • Strategic alliances to create Your Power Network

  • Every member gets a full page listing in our digital businesses guide which is promoted across various platforms

  • Public events to feature our members as experts, like women’s wellness events where our members speak, educate and sell.

get free months:

Money Back In Your Pocket

Referral opportunities available to help our community rise in numbers (of members and dollars in your pocket!)

You get 1 month FREE for every person you refer that signs up. No limit!  

Path for advancement (Add-on):

Private Support To Excel

  • 1:1 Coaching Sessions with your choice of expert whenever you need it

  • Exclusive Discounted Rate only available for Temple members


Join us for 2 days of networking, expert speakers/training, collaboration, brainstorming/creativity pods, branding photoshoots, and sharing value (location/dates TBD)

our expert guild

  • Megan Crouch

    Wise Warrior Coaching, Founder & CEO

    Biz Essentials & Fundamentals Expert

  • Daisy Lopez

    The Liberated Latina, Owner

    Branding & Messaging Expert

  • Sarai Peotdi

    The Business Temple, Founder & CEO

    Operations Management Expert

Sample Learning Modules

📖 Operations Management Module: Exact Steps to Making Money

📖 Copywriting & Content Creation Module: Copywriting for Websites

📖 Operations Management Module: What/Where/When of Marketing

📖 Business Essentials & Fundamentals Module: Business Foundation Pillars

📖 Branding & Messaging Module: The Core Elements Of A Leading Message

📖 Copywriting & Content Creation Module: Understanding Your Audience

📖 Business Essentials & Fundamentals Module: Why Structure Isn't A Four-Letter Word

📖 Branding & Messaging Module: Using Your Leading Message To Attract Clients Online and Offline

📖 Operations Management Module: Energetics of Sales

and so much more!


The Temple Membership Options

expansion Path

Access to 2 Soulpreneur FB Communities (1 private & 1 public)

Expert Review & Feedback

Monthly Live Training Call

On-Demand Skill-Building Library

Strategy Coaching Session

Weekly “Make Money” Action Steps

Promoted at all networking events

Unlimited written posting in Public Group

Limited Time Special!

Evolution Path

Access to 2 Soulpreneur FB Communities (1 private & 1 public)

Expert Review & Feedback

Monthly Live Training Call

On-Demand Skill-Building Library

Strategy Coaching Session

Weekly “Make Money” Action Steps

Promoted at all networking events

Unlimited written posting in Public Group

Unlimited livestreams in Public Group

BiWeekly Masterminds

Monthly Group Healing Sessions

Teach Classes/ Workshops

Host Events

Buy 2 Months Get 3rd Free

Let us help BRING customers to YOU

Worth over $200 in VA hours!

Visibility Add-On

Be Recommended by Endorsement Team

Weekly Member Promotion Campaigns

Listed in digital businesses guide

Get Connected to Power Network

Business Spotlight at all events

Want to learn more before moving forward?

Let’s chat! Drop us a DM on IG or FB to get your questions answered & discover which Business Temple Path best serves YOU.

“Daisy helped expand me in many ways including my beliefs and my target audience. I felt so incredibly seen, understood, and supported. I highly recommend Daisy’s services to support you in business expansion and your overall well-being. Daisy is the REAL DEAL! -Kelly E

Melanie R. -

(regarding working with Daisy): “I left my full-time position earlier this year [2022], and have since made 6-figures in my coaching business.”

"The female Empowerment is so strong when working with Sarai because she guided me through the process and helped me heal and create results, but I was the power, I was the source, I made the changes."

-Hailey T.

Rebecca Said:

“Shoutout to Melanie for being such a rockstar with her skills…I’ve got clarity on my funnels, workshops, and website. Hire her. 10 out of 10 recommend.

The day after a session I noticed the muscles in my shoulders/neck area were sore but relieved of the tenseness I always carried there. By the following day ALL tension was Gone from my body! 

I'm able to Voice, "I Am a Healer! I AM a Medium!" without reservation. 

When I think of the Past Lives we visited, I'm no longer brought to tears by them and am able to look at them objectively.

-Neva R.

Ashley Said:

I’ve had a sale literally every day since I hired her for coaching (and it’s been 21 days so far!)

If you have not worked with Sarai you need to! My healing session with her regarding being a Healer was so so profound.

(regarding joining Business Temple): The best thing I’ve done for my business ❤️